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dcrlncli listunspent - List UTXOs available for spending.


   dcrlncli listunspent [command options] [min-confs [max-confs]] [--unconfirmed_only]


For each spendable UTXO currently in the wallet, with at least min_confs confirmations, and at most max_confs confirmations, lists the txid, index, amount, address, address type, scriptPubkey and number of confirmations. Use --min_confs=0 to include unconfirmed coins. To list all coins with at least min_confs confirmations, omit the second argument or flag --max_confs. To list all confirmed and unconfirmed coins, no arguments are required. To see only unconfirmed coins, use --unconfirmed_only with --min_confs and --max_confs set to zero or not present.


Option Info
--min_confs value The minimum number of confirmations for a UTXO (default: 0)
--max_confs value The maximum number of confirmations for a UTXO (default: 0)
--unconfirmed_only When min_confs and max_confs are zero, setting false implicitly overrides max_confs to be MaxInt32, otherwise max_confs remains zero. An error is returned if the value is true and both min_confs and max_confs are non-zero. (default: false)