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dcrlncli updatechanpolicy - Update the channel policy for all channels, or a single channel.


   dcrlncli updatechanpolicy [command options] base_fee_m_atoms fee_rate time_lock_delta [--max_htlc_m_atoms=N] [channel_point]


Updates the channel policy for all channels, or just a particular channel identified by its channel point. The update will be committed, and broadcast to the rest of the network within the next batch. Channel points are encoded as: funding_txid:output_index.


Option Info
--base_fee_m_atoms value The base fee in milli-atoms that will be charged for each forwarded HTLC, regardless of payment size (default: 0)
--fee_rate value The fee rate that will be charged proportionally based on the value of each forwarded HTLC, the lowest possible rate is 0 with a granularity of 0.000001 (millionths)
--time_lock_delta value The CLTV delta that will be applied to all forwarded HTLCs (default: 0)
--max_htlc_m_atoms value If set, the max HTLC size that will be applied to all forwarded HTLCs. If unset, the max HTLC is left unchanged. (default: 0)
--chan_point value The channel whose fee policy should be updated, if nil the policies for all channels will be updated. Takes the form of: txid:output_index