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dcrlncli fwdinghistory - Query the history of all forwarded HTLCs.


   dcrlncli fwdinghistory [command options] start_time [end_time] [index_offset] [max_events]


Query the HTLC switch’s internal forwarding log for all completed payment circuits (HTLCs) over a particular time range --start_time and --end_time. The start and end times are meant to be expressed in seconds since the Unix epoch. If --start_time isn’t provided, then 24 hours ago is used. If --end_time isn’t provided, then the current time is used.

The max number of events returned is 50k. The default number is 100, callers can use the --max_events param to modify this value.

Finally, callers can skip a series of events using the --index_offset parameter. Each response will contain the offset index of the last entry. Using this callers can manually paginate within a time slice.


Option Info
--start_time value The starting time for the query, expressed in seconds since the unix epoch (default: 0)
--end_time value The end time for the query, expressed in seconds since the unix epoch (default: 0)
--index_offset value The number of events to skip (default: 0)
--max_events value The max number of events to return (default: 0)